Pain Management, David Rosenblum, MD and Medical Tourism

Interventional Pain Physician and Medical Tourism to New York

Brooklyn and Long Island Based Pain Practice

Accepting International Patients

Fluent in

  • Spanish
  • Hebrew

David Rosenblum, MD is an authority on a variety of interventional pain topics and procedures.  Having established himself as an International Leader in Pain Management Education, through his PainExam Educational Program and Podcast.  Dr. Rosenblum has treated hundreds of patients from around the world who are seeking care that they cannot receive in their native countries.   Dr. Rosenblum offers Telemedicine – Video Consultation prior to coming to NY for medical evaluations and in person treatments.

If you are located in the United States, call 718 436 7246 for an appointment.  If you are located outside of the United States, email Dr. Rosenblum at

To find out more about Dr. Rosenblum’s Services, go to


David Rosenblum, MD, currently serves as the Director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center and AABP Integrative Pain Care.  As a member of the Department of Anesthesiology, he is involved in teaching, research, CME activities, and was key faculty in developing the anesthesiology residency’s regional anesthesia block rotation, as well as institutional wide acute and chronic pain management protocols to ensure safe and effective pain management. He currently is a managing partner in a multi-physician private pain practice, AABP Integrative Pain Care, located in Brooklyn and Great Neck, NY. He is one of the earliest interventional pain physicians to integrate ultrasound guidance to improve the safety and accuracy of interventional pain procedures.

Dr. Rosenblum written several book chapters on Peripheral Neuromodulation, Radiofrequency Ablation, and Pharmacology.  He has been named several times in NY Magazine’s Best Pain Management Doctor List, Nassau County’s Best Pain Physician, has appeared on NY1 News, and has made several appearances on XM Radio’s Doctor Talk. He currently is lecturing on a national and international level and has partnered with  the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), Eastern Pain Association (EPA), the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), World Academy of Pain Medicine United, as well as various other organizations, to support educational events and develop new courses. Since 2008, he has helped over 3000 physicians pass the Pain Management Boards, and has been at the forefront of utilizing ultrasound guidance to perform pain procedures.  He now hosts the PainExam podcast, AnesthesiaExam Podcast, PMRExam Podcasts and uses this platform to promote the safe and effective use of ultrasound in the performance of various procedures such as Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Caudal Epidurals, Selective Nerve Root Blocks, Cluneal Nerve Blocks, Ganglion impar Blocks, Stellate Ganglion Blocks, Brachial Plexus Blocks, Joint Injections and much more!

Doctor Rosenblum is a co-founder of the International Pain Academy and created the NRAP (Neuromodulation Regional Anesthesia and Pain) Academy  and travels to teach various  courses focused on Pain Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Ultrasound Guided Pain Procedures and Regional Anesthesia Techniques.  

Office based Pain Physicians, Physiatrists, Emergency Room Physicians, Anesthesiologists, Neurologists and Orthopedics who treat pain, utilize Neuromodulation and use PRP, Bone Marrow Aspirate or any other Biologics will benefit from this course.

Dr. Rosenblum is persistent when it comes to eliminating pain and has gained a reputation among his patients for thinking “outside the box” and implements ultrasound guidance to deposit medications, biologics (PRP, Bone Marrow Aspirate, etc.) and Peripheral Nerve Stimulators near pain generators.

He is currently treating patients in his great neck and Brooklyn office.  For an appointment go to or call

Brooklyn     718 436 7246